Design Library Professional Writer Sign up and make your site like this With hundreds of professionally designed templates to choose from, you can find one that's perfect for your website · Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, and indie blogger.com runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, BizAmmo, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz. Jenn has over 20 years' experience writing for others, 16 years of experience in blogging, and around 14 years' experience as an e-book author and indie publisher · Every professional writer’s website needs to have a clear and easy way for clients to contact you with any questions or to request more information/a quote. You can include a link on your Author: Kirsty Stuart
Online Portfolio Examples: 17 Writer Websites We Love
Are you happy with your freelance writer website? Does your professional site do enough as a marketing tool to professional writer website prospects and help you convert them into clients? Do you even have a website yet? As strange as it sounds, this post has been a few years in the making.
For quite some time I've wanted to do a round-up to showcase quality freelance writer websites to help new freelancers build their own, and to help more experienced writers improve their sites. Why did it take years? Frankly, it's never been easy to find so much as a handful of truly high quality freelance writing sites I felt comfortable putting in front of you as examples, professional writer website.
And I'll be up front. These aren't perfect either. But they all have strengths I felt newer freelancers could learn from, especially when writing the copy and structuring the content for marketing-oriented professional sites. So today we're going to look at professional sites from five freelance writers -- Cathy Miller, Sharon Hurley Hall, professional writer website, Alex Sayers, Rose Wheeler, and Ronda Swaney. I'm going to share my thoughts on some of the highlights, but I'll also share suggestions professional writer website things they either might want to improve, or things you might change if you were to build a similar site to theirs today.
Throughout the rest professional writer website this month, professional writer website, we'll look professional writer website a few individual site reviews as well -- starting with my own next Monday, so I can walk you through some of an audit process for updating and improving an existing site.
And all month long I'll share tips and resources to help you build or refine your site to make it a stronger marketing and PR tool for your freelance writing business. But for today let's get right into some examples.
Here are five freelance writer websites that have strengths you can learn from. Cathy is a business writer with over 30 years of professional writing experience and a specialty covering insurance and healthcare. She takes on both print and online projects including case studies and white papers.
Originally, SSB was my business site with my portfolio, background, etc. The repeated theme of keep it simple attracted clients from my niche who struggled with communicating the complex world of professional writer website care and insurance. It has also attracted businesses outside my niche. Simple works. I've known Cathy longer than I can recall at this point, professional writer website. You might have seen me refer to her here before as one of my "go-to gals" which also includes Lori Professional writer website and Yolander Prinzel.
I was initially hesitant to include someone I knew as well as Cathy in a post like this, but one thing cemented her spot here -- she has, hands-down, professional writer website, the best freelance writer website I've come across.
Is Cathy's site perfect? None are. And we'll get to some suggestions shortly. But she gets something right that far too many freelance writers get wrong. What is that? Simply Stated Business isn't just a sales tool to promote Cathy's services, professional writer website. It features one of the best client-focused blogs I've seen on a freelance writer website. As a fellow business writer, I've found plenty of interesting tips there myself, and I consider Cathy a go-to source professional writer website things like LinkedIn and case studies.
Her site also features a rather large collection of downloadable marketing and business writing resources. Why does this matter? Because turning your professional site into a true resource in its own right keeps prospects coming back.
They won't always be in a position to hire you when they first find professional writer website site. Give them a reason to keep coming professional writer website, and your name will be the first that comes to mind when they are ready to hire someone in your specialty. Every freelancer's site can be improved in some way. If I were building Cathy's site fresh today, here are some of the things I'd do or suggest:. Professional writer website Cathy's site.
Like Cathy, Sharon has over 30 years of professional writing experience. While her site says she doesn't really have a specialty, I can tell you Sharon's built quite the name for herself in the freelance blogging community. My website has been an invaluable tool in bringing professional writer website to me. In the last few years, most of my clients have found me. There are a few decisions I took to help make that happen:. As you can see, most of these are content decisions, as I'm not really a designer.
That'll be the next area to focus on. I love Sharon. But I have to say this isn't a site I'd recommend modeling yours on visually. It needs work on that front, but I also know Sharon's aware of that based on her feedback on her own site which you can read below. Where Sharon's site shines is the content -- and that's what you, as writers, have the most control over. For the most part, Sharon gives prospects what they'd want to know, and things are easy enough to find with a couple of exceptions I'll mention in the suggestions, professional writer website.
Sharon does a great job of highlighting her extensive experience throughout the site, from her resume to her portfolio, and even right on the homepage where she showcases some key clients. And, again like Cathy, she offers resources that can genuinely help prospects and give them a reason to come back. In her case, Sharon has some blog posts targeting clients, but also training materials like SlideShare presentations on topics she's previously taught.
Here are some of the best elements of Sharon's copy and how she's laid out her site's content structure:. I won't give much design advice here because it sounds like Sharon knows the site theme could use an professional writer website. But here are some things that jumped out and what I'd suggest:.
Visit Sharon's professional writer website. Alex is a UK-based freelance writer with 3. He specializes in working with tech-oriented clients, and his services include copywriting and blogging. I put my website live almost immediately after going freelance back in Alex's professional site does a good job of keeping the focus on what clients are looking for.
Service basics are right on the homepage, as is some background on his professional experience. And if prospects need to know more before reaching out, he's made it easy for them to access his portfolio and further service details using bold buttons as opposed to simply tucking text links into the copy.
The site features more than just a list of professional writer website. While he doesn't have dedicated landing pages for each service he provides, Alex does offer service-specific pitches on a main Services page. And while his portfolio looks simple on the surface, he offers more details about past client projects than most freelancers I've seen. Rates are clearly laid out for prospects something I believe wholeheartedly in including on your freelance writer websiteand he answers common client questions in an FAQs area.
For the most part, the site is easy to navigate, key info is there, the copy is well-written and has a distinct voice, he makes it easy for professional writer website to contact him, and he even has a client-oriented blog, professional writer website. That's a great idea for your own SEO and to showcase your knowledge, but Alex also professional writer website a good job of incorporating CTAs directly in his professional writer website posts.
Here are some of the best things about Alex's professional site that help him stand out from the competition:. Here's what I'd suggest if Alex wanted to improve his site or if you wanted to build one in a similar style:. Visit Alex's site. Rose began writing about 9 years ago when she started blogging for her own indie boutique. Now she works as a content manager and writer for professional writer website brands, professional writer website, managing their blogs, social media accounts, newsletters, and communities.
Over the years, I've changed the design and content of my site at least once a year. Mostly, because I like updating the look of the site but also because my writing specialty has changed over the years. I started freelancing around ten years ago as a writer, web designer, and digital marketer. I thought I could do all of it and it was a huge mistake.
Around year two of business, I learned to focus on my favorite skill writing and develop my site to focus on that. When I started working as a content manager for a big project, I decided to add those services to my site. Now, I do that part of my business for two big brands but also for ladypreneurs so I tailored my site to reach them. The current design of the site I don't plan on changing anytime soon for the first time it really feels like me.
I'm girly and love writing about lifestyle topics and entrepreneurship, professional writer website, so this site reflects that. Funny enough, the best clients I've gotten has been since deciding to change the design, content focus, and my social content to be more personal and focus on the things I love. For my writing work, my blog and portfolio showcase the type of project I enjoy doing.
Rose's site does a good job of combining aesthetics and substance in a way that's well-suited for her target market -- lifestyle brands. From color choices to images, the site professional writer website going to immediately appeal to the kinds of clients she aims to work with. Digging into that substance more, professional writer website, Rose covers the basics well. It's clear what she does, who she does it for, and what it will cost to hire her. She also gives prospects multiple contact options, but she keeps control over that process which is important.
For example, she'll do phone consultations, but only by appointment something I highly recommend as someone who's had international clients think they can call at all hours once they have my info.
And she goes beyond a standard contact form to include purpose-oriented filters that can help prioritize the emails she receives. If you were building a brand new site for your freelance writing career, professional writer website, Rose's would be a good model on the content front. It has room to grow resource-wise, but it covers all the basics of what you'd need to get started. Here's what I'd suggest to improve Rose's site, or things I'd do a bit differently if building a similar freelance writer website from scratch:.
How to Create Your Freelance Writing Portfolio Website - Location Rebel
, time: 13:23The 50 Best Writing Websites of For All Your Writing Needs

Design Library Professional Writer Sign up and make your site like this With hundreds of professionally designed templates to choose from, you can find one that's perfect for your website · Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, and indie blogger.com runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, BizAmmo, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz. Jenn has over 20 years' experience writing for others, 16 years of experience in blogging, and around 14 years' experience as an e-book author and indie publisher · Every professional writer’s website needs to have a clear and easy way for clients to contact you with any questions or to request more information/a quote. You can include a link on your Author: Kirsty Stuart
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